Quick Addition: Columbus Tower

North Beach has quickly become one of my favorite neighborhoods in San Francisco. Columbus Tower, or The Sentinel Building depending on who you ask, is a favorite view while there. Quick fact: most of the building is rented by Francis Ford Coppola’s American Zoetrope film company. Cool.

  • Stop at Comstock Saloon for a few well-made cocktails. Talk to strangers and listen to some excellent live jazz. 
  • Swing across the street to Mr. Bings for a beer or two. Or three. 
  • Head up to the Saloon for late night drinking and almost always a great blues band. In your free time, look up the history of the Saloon. It’s incredible. 

I guess, eat some food at some point as well. It is Little Italy, after all. 

Image taken with Fuji x100T, hand held at dusk on manual. ISO800, 1/50th, F/4. 35 mm equivalent focal length.  

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